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I am passionate about helping people thrive and overcome difficulty. I’m also insatiably curious and creative about what that looks like which leads to a variety of endeavors. Due to the world we live in I can’t do all the things that I would like to which means that what you will discover on this website is a selection of what I think is most important to share with others about what I do in the world.

Upcoming and Ongoing Events

  • Biodanza in Brooks – Oct. 5th & Nov. 2nd, 6:30pm, Marsh River Theatre More Details
  • Biodanza in Portland – Oct. 10th & Nov. 7th, 7pm, 231 York St More Details
  • Weekend Meditation Retreat – Nov. 8-10, The Octagon, Brooks More Details

Resolving Trauma

I facilitate a process of assisted self-discovery with adults and youth one-on-one and in small groups. The work, which draws on my training in Hakomi Somatic Psychotherapy and Mindfulness, can both help you resolve deep emotional hurts and develop your unique gifts in the world.


I have prioritized meditation in my life in a significant way and feel grateful to offer it to others so more can benefit. I teach weekly classes seasonally and lead retreats locally in Waldo County in addition to traveling to teach when invited.

Rites of Passage

I support people living into the stage of life that they are in and help them fully cross into that stage through meaningful experiences and education.

Group Dynamics

I facilitate and consult to groups creating learning opportunities about meaning that lies below the surface. This work improves the workplace environment and their functioning as well as giving us all better tools to live fulfilling and productive lives. I study, train in, and facilitate the Group Relations framework for group work.

Youth Retreats

I work with youth serving organizations to lead enlivening and dynamic retreat experiences. Helping youth learn about who they are inside and develop tools for becoming that person on the outside is a true passion. I want young people to have skills to overcome the inevitable challenges in life and thrive.

Rustic Modern Construction

From felling trees and milling them into lumber to system design and construction I build modest highly energy efficient homes from scratch.

Mindfulness In Schools

I have taught mindfulness to over 11,000 children and teens since 2008 in schools, after school programs, and camps. I also offer professional development sessions. You can read more here:


I’ve been training in this dance form for over 6 years – one weekend intensive a month, most months! My partner, Hannah Morris, and I are emerging facilitators and are starting to offer our own classes under the guidance of our teacher!